

Our innovation fleet – Learning by driving

Finding answers to the essential questions that point the way ahead. That’s what testing our zero-emission innovation fleet is all about. As part of an overall strategy, we use various commercial vehicles with alternative drive systems in our day-to-day business. Our goal: The decision-making basis for the «green procurement plan» should be in place by the end of 2022.

The decarbonisation of freight transport is no longer a trend, but a long-term practice. For us, it has been a focus for decades. The milestones have been set: Zero-emission deliveries to city centres from 2025, to urban regions from 2030. Another goal is long-distance transport: From 2040 onwards, we want the majority of overland journeys to be covered by zero-emission vehicles.

What distinguishes us from other transport companies? Our fleet management does not focus on one single vehicle model or just one alternative drive technology. Our innovation fleet ranges from human-powered cargo eBikes to heavy-duty commercial vehicles and consists of electric, fuel cell electric and hybrid vehicles. They all have their own character and different ranges and have therefore been created for different areas of application. And they are not suitable for every type of transport to the same degree.

We are also investigating charging technologies and equipment, as well as the ideal locations for electric charging stations, including the possibility of intermediate refuelling at our branches throughout Switzerland.

Developments need space, and so do decisions that point the way ahead. We are giving ourselves until the end of 2022 for a more in-depth analysis of the innovation fleet. We will then define the additional vehicles we need to procure based on experiences and facts from the manufacturers. And approve the investment budget from 2023 for it.

Press release «Innovation fleet» (in German)
Video «Innovation fleet»
Interview with Josef Jäger, Director (in German)